Must see! The Zuiderzee Museum in the sign of tourism
This year, the Zuiderzee Museum is all about tourism. In the Binnen- and Buitenmuseum, the exhibition Must see Looking in a different way at well -known Dutch icons that have contributed to the typical image of the Netherlands abroad. A must to look!
Must See in the Zuiderzee Museum
In the Buitenmuseum of the Zuiderzee Museum in Enkhuizen you will find the Open Air Museum and in the Binnenmuseum you will find the permanent exhibition ‘ Schepenhal ’ and ‘ sea full of stories ‘ with changing exhibitions. Until October 24 you will find the Must See exhibition in both the inside and outdoor museum. When the boys were small we were already in the Zuiderzee Museum and were now very curious about the Must See exhibition.
You can visit the Zuiderzee Museum through various entrances, this time we went with the museum boat.
With the museum boat to the Buitenmuseum
With the museum boat you are in ten minutes of the large easy -to -reach parking space in the outdoor museum. This boat sails regularly and you get to hear all the information here. In fact, the adventure starts here immediately.
Arriving in the Buitenmuseum of the Zuiderzee Museum in Enkhuizen, we immediately saw a number of the 15 works of art that can currently be admired in the inside and outdoor museum. The artworks are indicated on the map, but you also see clearly text and explanation of the artworks themselves.
One of the 15 works of art: cycling
Everything about the Must See exhibition
In 2021, the Zuiderzee Museum is all about tourism. And with the theme of tourism you immediately think of icons, such as tulips, mills and cheese. In the Binnen- en Buitenmuseum, the Must See exhibition lets the visitor look in a different way at well-known Dutch icons that have contributed to the typical image of the Netherlands abroad.
Fifteen artists designed a work of art especially for must see: from cheese to traditional costume and from bicycle to fishing.
Many of these characteristic icons have their origins in the Zuiderzee area.
Fifteen icons from then and … now!
Must See takes you on a trip along fifteen icons that contribute to the image of the Netherlands and their special, contemporary variants. The rise of the COVID virus places tourism, as we know it, in a different perspective; Instead of foreign tourists, it is now Dutch who go on holiday in their own country. In the exhibition you learn more about the origin and function of the icons and their iconic role for the Netherlands; It also sheds a new light on what we already know.
From the tension between real and fake and the impact of mass tourism to the benefits of a holiday in your own country.
Cheese and mill, more Dutch is almost impossible
For the children
At the Zuiderzee Museum in Enkhuizen there is plenty to do and see for children. Even now at the Must See exhibition The children go like real tourists looking for must sees in the museum. With a travelogue with must see locations, they choose their own route.
Through targeted viewing assignments they go on an adventure in the museum and discover details about the icons. And they are sufficiently inspired by all must sees on the road?
Then it’s time to make your own postcard in the Kindersatelier. In addition, there is always a lot to do for children:
- For example, there are old Dutch games
- A dressing box* where children can attract Volendammer or Marker traditional costumes
- You will find animals everywhere in the outdoor museum. Great carp and ducks swim in the canals. In see sheep, goats and pigs. But also take a good look at whether you can find Museumkat Snoes in the basket maker of the Buitenmuseum. At night she catches mice and during the day she looks for the cosiness of the visitors.
- Look for the house of Grietje de Vissersvrouw: live on a clod in Zoutkamp. Grietje lives here with her four children and her mother. Be sure to walk in in this turbulent household, where Grietje himself is present as a hologram! Experience the life from then very close and smell the scent of peeled shrimps and (the eternal) cabbage on the fire and crawl under that stimulus blanket in the box bed.
- Make a clog boat* Making a clog boat costs € 4.50.
- Pimp your lump*. This activity costs € 3.00.
* These activities take place during the weekends, holidays and holidays.
All information about the museum can be found here.
The Zuiderzee Museum
The indoor and outdoor museum of the Zuiderzee Museum in Enkhuizen is a must to visit. There are always different exhibitions, but the basis remains the same. The outdoor museum is very nice to walk through.
There is much to learn, hear and do. You walk a hundred years ago in time on the Klinker streets of the Buitenmuseum.
Where more than one hundred and forty historic buildings from the former Zuiderzee have a complete village. You can see houses to see how people used to live, often in large families, you see how the Urk fishermen lived, you watch the craftsmen and you experience the daily life of the time and enjoy the authentic atmosphere. I really enjoyed ending up on the Italian Zeedijk in Hoorn, where my father spent his childhood.
A school class from 1905
With houses of the Italian Zeedijk in Hoorn And the hairdresser
A street in Urk
As soon as you sit down, you will hear the stories about The Zuiderzee
A day out
The Zuiderzee Museum in Enkhuizen is a nice day away. You can combine it well with a visit to the city of Enkhuizen. The exhibitions and performances that take place in the winter are also nice.
These are also surprising every time and worth visiting. Longer time in Noord-Holland? Then make it for a few days and go with the steam train from Hoorn to Medemblik or visit fairytale wonderland.